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Godall's Achievements


Schütze (81/183)



Godall's Awards

CMP FH2 #4: Shin Gunto

Awarded , by SturmFlim

For fighting like a samurai with your Chi-Ha, type 89 Mortar, the Type 99 LMG or Arisaka Scope, during the battles of Sittang Bridge, Bukit Timah, Adak Island, Tulagi, Guadalcanal and Tarawa.

CMP FH2 #4: Shin Gunto

Awarded , by SturmFlim

For fighting like a samurai with your Chi-Ha, type 89 Mortar, the Type 99 LMG or Arisaka Scope, during the battles of Sittang Bridge, Bukit Timah, Adak Island, Tulagi, Guadalcanal and Tarawa.

CMP FH2 #4: Shin Gunto

Awarded , by SturmFlim

For fighting like a samurai with your Chi-Ha, type 89 Mortar, the Type 99 LMG or Arisaka Scope, during the battles of Sittang Bridge, Bukit Timah, Adak Island, Tulagi, Guadalcanal and Tarawa.

CMP FH2 #4: The Order of the Golden Kite 6th

Awarded , by HaLoAL

За исключительную дурость храбрость и отличные навыки выноситьмозгтолькоиокружающим, вручаю Орден Золотого коршуна 6-й степени.

CMP FH2 #4: The Order of the Golden Kite 6th

Awarded , by HaLoAL

За исключительную дурость храбрость и отличные навыки выноситьмозгтолькоиокружающим, вручаю Орден Золотого коршуна 6-й степени.

CMP FH2 #4: The Order of the Golden Kite 6th

Awarded , by HaLoAL

За исключительную дурость храбрость и отличные навыки выноситьмозгтолькоиокружающим, вручаю Орден Золотого коршуна 6-й степени.

CMP FH2 #4: The Order of the Golden Kite 7th

Awarded , by HaLoAL

За исключительную отвагу и отличные навыки выноситьмозгмнеиокружающим.

CMP FH2 #4: The Order of the Golden Kite 7th

Awarded , by HaLoAL

За исключительную отвагу и отличные навыки выноситьмозгмнеиокружающим.

CMP FH2 #4: The Order of the Golden Kite 7th

Awarded , by HaLoAL

За исключительную отвагу и отличные навыки выноситьмозгмнеиокружающим.

CMP FH2 #4: Military Medal of Honor 3rd

Awarded , by HaLoAL

За участие как минимум в трёх сражениях.

CMP FH2 #4: Military Medal of Honor 3rd

Awarded , by HaLoAL

За участие как минимум в трёх сражениях.

CMP FH2 #4: Military Medal of Honor 3rd

Awarded , by HaLoAL

За участие как минимум в трёх сражениях.

CMP FH2 #3: Excellent Combat Engineer

Awarded , by SturmFlim

Excellent Combat Engineer

Awarded for those players always attentive to anything which needs repair



For a very good performance as tanker from the battles of the 'Karelian Isthmus' to 'Lenino'.


CMP FH2 #3: Excellent Combat Engineer

Awarded , by SturmFlim

Excellent Combat Engineer

Awarded for those players always attentive to anything which needs repair



For a very good performance as tanker from the battles of the 'Karelian Isthmus' to 'Lenino'.


CMP FH2 #3: Excellent Combat Engineer

Awarded , by SturmFlim

Excellent Combat Engineer

Awarded for those players always attentive to anything which needs repair



For a very good performance as tanker from the battles of the 'Karelian Isthmus' to 'Lenino'.


CMP FH2 #3: Leningrad Medal

Awarded , by SturmFlim

Leningrad Medal

Awarded to soldiers for showing / insert defensive tasks description /



For 'great anti-tank work' at the battle of 'Sinimäed' and 'Ilomantsi'. In the later battle you have been seen to kill 3 tanks in a very short time defending 'Kuukoenvaara'.


CMP FH2 #3: Leningrad Medal

Awarded , by SturmFlim

Leningrad Medal

Awarded to soldiers for showing / insert defensive tasks description /



For 'great anti-tank work' at the battle of 'Sinimäed' and 'Ilomantsi'. In the later battle you have been seen to kill 3 tanks in a very short time defending 'Kuukoenvaara'.


CMP FH2 #3: Leningrad Medal

Awarded , by SturmFlim

Leningrad Medal

Awarded to soldiers for showing / insert defensive tasks description /



For 'great anti-tank work' at the battle of 'Sinimäed' and 'Ilomantsi'. In the later battle you have been seen to kill 3 tanks in a very short time defending 'Kuukoenvaara'.


CMP FH2 #3: Order of Kutuzov 3rd Class

Awarded , by SturmFlim

Awarded to soldiers for showing outstanding infantry skills on the battlefield



For continious excellent infantry skills throughout many battles from the 'Karelian Isthmus' towards 'Lenino'.




CMP FH2 #3: Order of Kutuzov 3rd Class

Awarded , by SturmFlim

Awarded to soldiers for showing outstanding infantry skills on the battlefield



For continious excellent infantry skills throughout many battles from the 'Karelian Isthmus' towards 'Lenino'.




CMP FH2 #3: Order of Kutuzov 3rd Class

Awarded , by SturmFlim

Awarded to soldiers for showing outstanding infantry skills on the battlefield



For continious excellent infantry skills throughout many battles from the 'Karelian Isthmus' towards 'Lenino'.




CMP FH2 #3: Order of Khmelnitsky 3rd Class

Awarded , by SturmFlim

Awarded for those players who along the campaign have become a true help in therms of leading for its officers or HQ



For excellent squad leading at the battle of 'Lenino'



CMP FH2 #3: Order of Khmelnitsky 3rd Class

Awarded , by SturmFlim

Awarded for those players who along the campaign have become a true help in therms of leading for its officers or HQ



For excellent squad leading at the battle of 'Lenino'



CMP FH2 #3: Order of Khmelnitsky 3rd Class

Awarded , by SturmFlim

Awarded for those players who along the campaign have become a true help in therms of leading for its officers or HQ



For excellent squad leading at the battle of 'Lenino'



CMP FH2 #3: Order of the Red Banner

Awarded , by SturmFlim

Awarded for attending at least 6 trainings

CMP FH2 #3: Order of the Red Banner

Awarded , by SturmFlim

Awarded for attending at least 6 trainings

CMP FH2 #3: Order of the Red Banner

Awarded , by SturmFlim

Awarded for attending at least 6 trainings

CMP FH2 #3: Glory 1st Class

Awarded , by SturmFlim

Awarded for attending at least 9 battles

CMP FH2 #3: Glory 1st Class

Awarded , by SturmFlim

Awarded for attending at least 9 battles

CMP FH2 #3: Glory 1st Class

Awarded , by SturmFlim

Awarded for attending at least 9 battles

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