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Everything posted by RAnDOOm

  1. The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.64 Compagnons - Part 3 Posted by: Eat Uranium 17.01.2024 19:00 GMT Hello and welcome back to another Forgotten Hope 2 update. Several months ago we announced that we would be adding a Panzer I Ausf.B to Forgotten Hope 2. Now, you might think that the logical next step would be to modify that into a Panzerjager, however we actually fooled you. The original model was today's Panzerjager all along, which we had "restored" back to its original configuration. In 1939, the German army was reasonably well provisioned with 3.7 cm anti tank guns, which were easily able to keep up with the infantry and provide effective protection. The same could not be said for the armoured divisions, where their combination of high speed and cross country mobility meant that neither trucks or horses were suitable. Guns could be towed by halftracks, but these were in short supply. It was felt that a gun directly mounted to a tank chassis would be the best option - highly mobile with decent protection. Thus was born the concept of the Panzerjaeger or Jagdpanzer, with the first consisting of a captured Czech 4.7 cm gun mounted behind a shield on the top of a Panzer I chassis. The Panzer I was chosen as they were already obsolete in combat and were available in high numbers, with the more powerful and larger Ausf.B version being selected. The turrets and the top and rear of the superstructure were removed and replaced with 5 large armour plates to provide protection to the crew. A wire mesh basket was added to the engine deck to provide more space for storage of equipment and personal equipment, as there was an extra crew member compared to the original tank. 130 vehicles would be produced between March and May 1940 in the first production series, with another 70 following in the second series produced between November 1940 and February 1941. 2 additional vehicles were constructed that had been missed from the initial order of 132 as the same time as the second batch. The second series featured 2 extra armour plates at the rear of the fighting compartment but was otherwise mostly the same. The first few vehicles would see combat in France, and several would serve in the Balkans and North Africa, but the bulk were sent to the Eastern Front where they served up until about 1942, when they began to be replaced by Marders. Our Panzerjagers were made by Toddel and Matt Baker. If you have missed any previous updates this week, you can find links to them here: Go to Road to Forgotten Hope 2.64 Compagnons - Part 1 Go to Road to Forgotten Hope 2.64 Compagnons - Part 2
  2. The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.64 Compagnons - Part 2 Posted by: Cpt Bocquier and Eat Uranium 16.01.2024 19:00 GMT Hello and welcome back to another Forgotten Hope 2 update. Today we are showing off one of the French units that found themselves in Medjez El Bab: the 43rd Colonial Infantry Regiment. Colonial troops, known as "La Coloniale", are descended from the Marines created in 1622 by Richelieu. When they were renamed and moved from the ministry of Marine to the ministry of War in 1900 they became a specific infantry and artillery corps tasked with the defence of the French colonies. They were a mix of metropolitan French serving overseas and indigenous soldiers, with metropolitan French officers, serving under the insignia of a golden anchor. In 1939 France would call soldiers from its empire to fight on the mainland. After the Fall of France, many colonial regiments would be disbanded, with some remaining in the Armée d'Armistice while others followed De Gaulle. With the progressive rallying and liberation of the colonies by the Allies, their numbers would increase again. The colonial troops would continue to serve until the liberation of France, though a lot of the units would see their black African soldiers replaced by French resistance fighters. The 43e Régiment d'Infanterie Coloniale was recreated in 1939 after its dissolution in 1919. It fought notable delaying actions in June 1940 and was kept in the Armée d'Armistice as a reserve unit in Tunisia. After the Operation Torch landings on November 19th 1942, the 3rd company of the 43e RIC was engaged against the Germans at Medjez El Bab, while the rest of the regiment was disarmed and sent back to France by the Italians in December. Our colonial playermodels were made by CptBocquier, from our French playermodels made by Harmonikater with heads from Battlefield 2 models made by DICE. The coupe-coupe is a West African specific form of the more generic machete, a tool commonly used for clearing undergrowth and felling small trees. This particular design was designed in 1916 to be mass produced and issued to the Tirailleurs Sénégalais, and would become an icon of these units in propaganda produced by both sides. It saw widespread issue in the colonial units from French West Africa among the indigenous and metropolitan soldiers alike, where it saw use as both the original tool but also as a weapon that required less training than the bayonet. Ours was made by CptBocquier. If you have missed any previous updates this week, you can find links to them here: Go to Road to Forgotten Hope 2.64 Compagnons - Part 1
  3. The Road to Forgotten Hope 2.64 Compagnons - Part 1 Posted by: Eat Uranium 14.01.2024 19:00 GMT Hello and welcome back to another Forgotten Hope 2 update. A new year brings with it many new things, and with Forgotten Hope it is no exception. We are excited to announce that our Compagnons update 2.64 will be released on: Tuesday 23rd January 2024 And to begin our usual news bonanza we turn to the first of 2 maps, Medjez El Bab. This map covers the important point in time when the French forces in Tunisia were forced to pick between loyalty to the German controlled Vichy government or the invading Allies. This map also features a 32 player layer covering later attempts by the British and Americans to recapture the town. Additionally, the map is fully supported for singleplayer. After the Torch landings a race for key points in Tunisia followed as both allied and axis forces tried to establish themselves in the French protectorate. Caught up in the middle of this were the French forces in Tunisia, their loyalties torn between Vichy and De Gaulle. The French General Barré had attempted to delay the Germans through parley while backing from Tunis to the strategic crossroads town of Medjez-el-Bab and also arming his command with weapons and supplies that had been stashed away following the fall of France in 1940. An ultimatum followed on November 19th; the French were to strike their colours before 7 AM or face a German attack. The French refused to fold, instead Barré made a call to French HQ in Algiers announcing both his return to the allied camp and the imminent destruction of his command. Only some British paratroopers managed to reach his positions at the time of the ultimatum. Medjez El Bab was made by Ts4EVER. You can find the minimap and a preliminary vehicle listing here.
  4. Thank you for responding and applying @Swedishgreen. Soon you will be added to a planning group which will give you access to special CMP Forum/Discord areas.
  5. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all CMP members!
  6. Thank you to the members below that have donated to CMP this year until now on 1st November 2023 Our Current Donations Total For 2023 Is € 410,00 of € 781,00 needed @Quicksilver - € 5 Monthly Donation @krakki - € 15 Donation @Incognito - € 20 Donation @Spindrifter49 - € 5 Monthly Donation @turbomursu - € 5 Monthly Donation @0utlaw - € 100 Donation @sergioten - € 20 Donation @Pr0z4c - € 50 Donation Unknown - € 20 Donation @AL-SAHAD - € 35 Donation @Tomi56 - € 10 Donation @The_Green_Bunny - € 50 Donation
  7. Small teaser for the campaign opening this Friday ( work in progress and subject to changes )
  8. Thank you to the members that have volunteered until now. We currently need: 1 Axis HQ (and 2nd HQ)
  9. Added. Thank you for volunteering.
  10. Preparations are being made
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