Best: Good communication in the French squad, great attack and defenses
Worst: Tk from the others squads, use the minimap !
Funniest: Cleaning of mont ormel
Best Battle Photo - "Flack 88 Captured"
Best: - very intense fight with initiatives
Worst: - regiments did not achieve their objectives but we were able to remedy this / many tks from others regiments, the minimap need be used
Funniest: - As a sniper in my church, I favored shooting on the squad leader
Most hated player: -
Most loved/liked player: -
Best Battle Photo - Waiting germans
Other: -
Actif depuis a-peu-près dix ans sur FH2, vous avez sûrement dû m'apercevoir sur le front sous le pseudo de PIO36 Tr1st0r. Après une pause de quelques mois, je souhaite revenir sur le jeu et pouvoir bénéficier d'une expérience plus teamplay via le chat audio pour plus d'immersion et d'éfficacité