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Dagoth last won the day on August 21 2019

Dagoth had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About Dagoth

  • Birthday 10/30/1995

Personal Information

  • Country
    United States of America

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Dagoth's Achievements


Member (1/183)



Dagoth's Awards

CMP FH2 #5: North Africa Medal

Awarded , by CptBocquier

Awarded for being a active member of the 288 Sonderverband and taking part of the CMP Campaign #5 On Rommel's Trail

CMP FH2 #5: North Africa Medal

Awarded , by CptBocquier

Awarded for being a active member of the 288 Sonderverband and taking part of the CMP Campaign #5 On Rommel's Trail

CMP FH2 #5: North Africa Medal

Awarded , by CptBocquier

Awarded for being a active member of the 288 Sonderverband and taking part of the CMP Campaign #5 On Rommel's Trail

CMP BF1918 #1: French Red Cross

Awarded , by SputnikFighter

For his full devotion and individual actions undertaken on the battlefield 


CMP BF1918 #1: French Red Cross

Awarded , by SputnikFighter

For his full devotion and individual actions undertaken on the battlefield 


CMP BF1918 #1: French Red Cross

Awarded , by SputnikFighter

For his full devotion and individual actions undertaken on the battlefield 


CMP BF1918 #1: Combatant's Cross

Awarded , by SputnikFighter

For his heroic action on the battlefield of Ypres, Langemarck, Nete and Bocage for France.

Bravo Soldat ! Vive le Poilu Dagoth !

CMP BF1918 #1: Combatant's Cross

Awarded , by SputnikFighter

For his heroic action on the battlefield of Ypres, Langemarck, Nete and Bocage for France.

Bravo Soldat ! Vive le Poilu Dagoth !

CMP BF1918 #1: Combatant's Cross

Awarded , by SputnikFighter

For his heroic action on the battlefield of Ypres, Langemarck, Nete and Bocage for France.

Bravo Soldat ! Vive le Poilu Dagoth !

CMP BF1918 #1: French Commemorative Medal

Awarded , by SputnikFighter

No reason provided.

CMP BF1918 #1: French Commemorative Medal

Awarded , by SputnikFighter
No reason provided.

CMP BF1918 #1: French Commemorative Medal

Awarded , by SputnikFighter
No reason provided.

CMP BF1918 #1:Honour Medal for Courage and Devotion

Awarded , by SputnikFighter

No reason provided.

CMP BF1918 #1:Honour Medal for Courage and Devotion

Awarded , by SputnikFighter
No reason provided.

CMP BF1918 #1:Honour Medal for Courage and Devotion

Awarded , by SputnikFighter
No reason provided.

CMP BF1918 #1: Marne Medal

Awarded , by SputnikFighter

No reason provided.

CMP BF1918 #1: Marne Medal

Awarded , by SputnikFighter
No reason provided.

CMP BF1918 #1: Marne Medal

Awarded , by SputnikFighter
No reason provided.

CMP BF1918 #1: Military Medal

Awarded , by SputnikFighter

No reason provided.

CMP BF1918 #1: Military Medal

Awarded , by SputnikFighter
No reason provided.

CMP BF1918 #1: Military Medal

Awarded , by SputnikFighter
No reason provided.

CMP BF1918 #1:War Cross Two Bronze Palms

Awarded , by SputnikFighter

No reason provided.

CMP BF1918 #1:War Cross Two Bronze Palms

Awarded , by SputnikFighter
No reason provided.

CMP BF1918 #1:War Cross Two Bronze Palms

Awarded , by SputnikFighter
No reason provided.
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