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Star Citizen Free Fly Week


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There will be a Free Fly week for Star Citizen taking place from 23rd November to 30th November

This means you can create an account at the RSI website, download the game and play for the entire week for FREE!

Every day from 16:00UTC you will be able to test a new range of ships for 24 hours.
Every player will be given a Cutlass Black multi-crew ship to use for the entire week as well as your basic ship.

More information is at https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012238394


We will try to get as many people into the game as possible on Saturday evening (24th November)
to fly together using the multi-crew ships such as the Cutlass and Freelancer.


What Can You Expect?

Bugs, crashes, things not working, and a lot of fun.
This game is still in development, but it is starting to come together.


How Can You Join In?

To get started, you will need to create an RSI account if you don't already have one,
then download and install the RSI Launcher which will let you download and login to the game.


In the Referrals section, use one of the following codes:

That way you are helping existing CMP members earn rewards and you get 5,000 in-game credits if you eventually buy the game.

Remember your Handle and Community Moniker names! This is so we can find you in-game and play together.



After you have registered on the RSI website you can download the game installer.
Log in and then download the game (about 45Gb at the moment).


What Then?

Come and join us on Teamspeak and in the game!

We'll show you around the current solar system, tell you how to fly your ships,
shop for armour and weapons, take on missions and fight.

We can also crew up the larger ships some have available which include
gun turrets and pilot stations, or take out ground vehicles for exploration and on-foot combat.


Ships can be rented from Lorville on the planet Hurston. Find out more at

For the full list of ships that can be 'rented' for 24 hours and when they will be available go to

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