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Goldbear228's Achievements


Member (1/183)



Goldbear228's Awards

CMP BF1918 #1: Great War Veterans Medal

Awarded , by Granate

за хорошую работу в субботу!

CMP BF1918 #1: Great War Veterans Medal

Awarded , by Granate

за хорошую работу в субботу!

CMP BF1918 #1: Great War Veterans Medal

Awarded , by Granate

за хорошую работу в субботу!

CMP BF1918 #1: Wounded Medal Black

Awarded , by Granate

Присуждается за участие в 3 сражениях.

CMP BF1918 #1: Wounded Medal Black

Awarded , by Granate

Присуждается за участие в 3 сражениях.

CMP BF1918 #1: Wounded Medal Black

Awarded , by Granate

Присуждается за участие в 3 сражениях.

CMP BF1918 #1: Honour Cross

Awarded , by Granate


CMP BF1918 #1: Honour Cross

Awarded , by Granate


CMP BF1918 #1: Honour Cross

Awarded , by Granate


CMP FH2 #4: Imperial Guards Presentation to the Emperor Badge

Awarded , by SturmFlim

Awarded by HQ to all officers and soldiers who took part in Victory over the allies, securing the Nanjo.

CMP FH2 #4: Imperial Guards Presentation to the Emperor Badge

Awarded , by SturmFlim

Awarded by HQ to all officers and soldiers who took part in Victory over the allies, securing the Nanjo.

CMP FH2 #4: Imperial Guards Presentation to the Emperor Badge

Awarded , by SturmFlim

Awarded by HQ to all officers and soldiers who took part in Victory over the allies, securing the Nanjo.

CMP FH2 #4: Shin Gunto

Awarded , by SturmFlim

For being part of the great attack on Bairoko in the smoke screen during the battle of Battle isle

CMP FH2 #4: Shin Gunto

Awarded , by SturmFlim

For being part of the great attack on Bairoko in the smoke screen during the battle of Battle isle

CMP FH2 #4: Shin Gunto

Awarded , by SturmFlim

For being part of the great attack on Bairoko in the smoke screen during the battle of Battle isle

CMP FH2 #4: The Order of the Golden Kite 6th

Awarded , by HaLoAL

За исключительную дурость храбрость и отличные навыки выноситьмозгтолькоиокружающим, вручаю Орден Золотого коршуна 6-й степени

CMP FH2 #4: The Order of the Golden Kite 6th

Awarded , by HaLoAL

За исключительную дурость храбрость и отличные навыки выноситьмозгтолькоиокружающим, вручаю Орден Золотого коршуна 6-й степени

CMP FH2 #4: The Order of the Golden Kite 6th

Awarded , by HaLoAL

За исключительную дурость храбрость и отличные навыки выноситьмозгтолькоиокружающим, вручаю Орден Золотого коршуна 6-й степени

CMP FH2 #4: Military Medal of Honor 2nd

Awarded , by HaLoAL

За участие в шести тренировках.

CMP FH2 #4: Military Medal of Honor 2nd

Awarded , by HaLoAL

За участие в шести тренировках.

CMP FH2 #4: Military Medal of Honor 2nd

Awarded , by HaLoAL

За участие в шести тренировках.

CMP FH2 #4: Military Medal of Honor 1st

Awarded , by HaLoAL

За участие в 9-и битвах.

CMP FH2 #4: Military Medal of Honor 1st

Awarded , by HaLoAL

За участие в 9-и битвах.

CMP FH2 #4: Military Medal of Honor 1st

Awarded , by HaLoAL

За участие в 9-и битвах.

CMP FH2 #4: The Order of the Golden Kite 7th

Awarded , by HaLoAL

За исключительную отвагу и отличные навыки выноситьмозгмнеиокружающим, вручаю Орден Золотого коршуна 7-й степени.

CMP FH2 #4: The Order of the Golden Kite 7th

Awarded , by HaLoAL

За исключительную отвагу и отличные навыки выноситьмозгмнеиокружающим, вручаю Орден Золотого коршуна 7-й степени.

CMP FH2 #4: The Order of the Golden Kite 7th

Awarded , by HaLoAL

За исключительную отвагу и отличные навыки выноситьмозгмнеиокружающим, вручаю Орден Золотого коршуна 7-й степени.

CMP FH2 #4: Military Medal of Honor 3rd

Awarded , by HaLoAL

За участие как минимум в трёх сражениях.

CMP FH2 #4: Military Medal of Honor 3rd

Awarded , by HaLoAL

За участие как минимум в трёх сражениях.

CMP FH2 #4: Military Medal of Honor 3rd

Awarded , by HaLoAL

За участие как минимум в трёх сражениях.

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