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Member (1/183)



Garfield's Awards

CMP FH2 #11: Soldier’s Medal

Awarded , by Heia Safari!

Félicitations Garfield pour ta médaille de soldat.
C'est une bien maigre récompense pour tes aptitudes sur le champ de bataille, mais je suis sûre que ce n'est juste que la première sur bien d'autres.

CMP FH2 #11: Soldier’s Medal

Awarded , by Heia Safari!

Félicitations Garfield pour ta médaille de soldat.
C'est une bien maigre récompense pour tes aptitudes sur le champ de bataille, mais je suis sûre que ce n'est juste que la première sur bien d'autres.

CMP FH2 #11: Soldier’s Medal

Awarded , by Heia Safari!

Félicitations Garfield pour ta médaille de soldat.
C'est une bien maigre récompense pour tes aptitudes sur le champ de bataille, mais je suis sûre que ce n'est juste que la première sur bien d'autres.

CMP FH2 #10: Military Order of Italy

Awarded , by CptBocquier

Awarded for being voted 2nd as the MVP in the french squad poll. Congrats !

CMP FH2 #10: Military Order of Italy

Awarded , by CptBocquier

Awarded for being voted 2nd as the MVP in the french squad poll. Congrats !

CMP FH2 #10: Military Order of Italy

Awarded , by CptBocquier

Awarded for being voted 2nd as the MVP in the french squad poll. Congrats !

CMP FH2 #10: War Merit Cross

Awarded , by Ombustman

For their dedication and good contribution during the course of the campaign.

CMP FH2 #10: War Merit Cross

Awarded , by Ombustman

For their dedication and good contribution during the course of the campaign.

CMP FH2 #10: War Merit Cross

Awarded , by Ombustman

For their dedication and good contribution during the course of the campaign.

CMP FH2 #10: Maurician Medal

Awarded , by CptBocquier

For being one of the most valuable asset of the french squad, showing dedication battle after battle. Commited, skilled and focused, he can make a huge mess in the enemy ranks, even cut out from his squad. Awarded as a member of the 186º Reggimento Fanteria Paracadutisti in CMP FH2 Campaign #10 "Devil in The Dawn"

CMP FH2 #10: Maurician Medal

Awarded , by CptBocquier

For being one of the most valuable asset of the french squad, showing dedication battle after battle. Commited, skilled and focused, he can make a huge mess in the enemy ranks, even cut out from his squad. Awarded as a member of the 186º Reggimento Fanteria Paracadutisti in CMP FH2 Campaign #10 "Devil in The Dawn"

CMP FH2 #10: Maurician Medal

Awarded , by CptBocquier

For being one of the most valuable asset of the french squad, showing dedication battle after battle. Commited, skilled and focused, he can make a huge mess in the enemy ranks, even cut out from his squad. Awarded as a member of the 186º Reggimento Fanteria Paracadutisti in CMP FH2 Campaign #10 "Devil in The Dawn"

CMP FH2 #10: Medal of Merit for the Volunteers of the 1940-45 War

Awarded , by CptBocquier

For attending 8 battles as a member of the 186º Reggimento Fanteria Paracadutisti in CMP FH2 Campaign #10 "Devil in The Dawn"

CMP FH2 #10: Medal of Merit for the Volunteers of the 1940-45 War

Awarded , by CptBocquier

For attending 8 battles as a member of the 186º Reggimento Fanteria Paracadutisti in CMP FH2 Campaign #10 "Devil in The Dawn"

CMP FH2 #10: Medal of Merit for the Volunteers of the 1940-45 War

Awarded , by CptBocquier

For attending 8 battles as a member of the 186º Reggimento Fanteria Paracadutisti in CMP FH2 Campaign #10 "Devil in The Dawn"

CMP FH2 #10: War Cross of Military Valor

Awarded , by CptBocquier

For his great skills with various infantry weapons during battles, being able to withstand a whole enemy squad for several minutes without support. Awarded as a member of the 186º Reggimento Fanteria Paracadutisti in CMP FH2 Campaign #10 "Devil in The Dawn"

CMP FH2 #10: War Cross of Military Valor

Awarded , by CptBocquier

For his great skills with various infantry weapons during battles, being able to withstand a whole enemy squad for several minutes without support. Awarded as a member of the 186º Reggimento Fanteria Paracadutisti in CMP FH2 Campaign #10 "Devil in The Dawn"

CMP FH2 #10: War Cross of Military Valor

Awarded , by CptBocquier

For his great skills with various infantry weapons during battles, being able to withstand a whole enemy squad for several minutes without support. Awarded as a member of the 186º Reggimento Fanteria Paracadutisti in CMP FH2 Campaign #10 "Devil in The Dawn"

CMP FH2 #10: Parachutist Badge

Awarded , by CptBocquier

For attending 4 battles as a member of the 186º Reggimento Fanteria Paracadutisti in CMP FH2 Campaign #10 "Devil in The Dawn"

CMP FH2 #10: Parachutist Badge

Awarded , by CptBocquier

For attending 4 battles as a member of the 186º Reggimento Fanteria Paracadutisti in CMP FH2 Campaign #10 "Devil in The Dawn"

CMP FH2 #10: Parachutist Badge

Awarded , by CptBocquier

For attending 4 battles as a member of the 186º Reggimento Fanteria Paracadutisti in CMP FH2 Campaign #10 "Devil in The Dawn"

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