Best: - funny tank kill from me :) yippeeeeee.
Worst: - teamkilled and getting no sorry and getting ignored shitshow i can say.
Funniest: - yep
Most hated player: - nope
Most loved/liked player: - me
Best Battle Photo -
Other: -
Best: -i got a clip killing otto with plane xd. 78 mb dont know how to lower it ):::::
Worst: -
Funniest: -me messing with fh2 or bf2 physics (bad landing maybe) having the plane motor stuck on dirt dont get damage and dont fix lol.
Most hated player: - (sniper monke's)
Most loved/liked player: - based infantry guys who spot and attack flag
Best Battle Photo -
Other: - im gonna post a video on previous cmp campaign where i get kill with suppressing fire(use it :)).