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TheBlackReaper last won the day on May 17 2021

TheBlackReaper had the most liked content!

About TheBlackReaper

  • Birthday 10/07/2001

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Recruit (103/183)



TheBlackReaper's Awards

CMP FH2 #11: Golden Knight's Cross of the War Merit Cross

Awarded , by Zabstone

for the absolute dedication, bravery, heroism shown during the final confrontation on the map - Alpenfestung. There was still a slight chance that we might lose this campaign, you have shown the true professionalism by staying alert and concentrated throughout the course of the last battle gaining us the ultimate victory.

CMP FH2 #11: Golden Knight's Cross of the War Merit Cross

Awarded , by Zabstone

for the absolute dedication, bravery, heroism shown during the final confrontation on the map - Alpenfestung. There was still a slight chance that we might lose this campaign, you have shown the true professionalism by staying alert and concentrated throughout the course of the last battle gaining us the ultimate victory.

CMP FH2 #11: Golden Knight's Cross of the War Merit Cross

Awarded , by Zabstone

for the absolute dedication, bravery, heroism shown during the final confrontation on the map - Alpenfestung. There was still a slight chance that we might lose this campaign, you have shown the true professionalism by staying alert and concentrated throughout the course of the last battle gaining us the ultimate victory.

CMP FH2 #11: Silver Tank Destruction Badge

Awarded , by Th3rioN

Za wybitny wkład w działania dywizji dzięki umiejętnemu wykorzystaniu czołgów do likwidowania jednostek pancernych wroga a także jego siły żywej i punktów strategicznych.

CMP FH2 #11: Silver Tank Destruction Badge

Awarded , by Th3rioN

Za wybitny wkład w działania dywizji dzięki umiejętnemu wykorzystaniu czołgów do likwidowania jednostek pancernych wroga a także jego siły żywej i punktów strategicznych.

CMP FH2 #11: Silver Tank Destruction Badge

Awarded , by Th3rioN

Za wybitny wkład w działania dywizji dzięki umiejętnemu wykorzystaniu czołgów do likwidowania jednostek pancernych wroga a także jego siły żywej i punktów strategicznych.

CMP FH2 #11: Iron Cross (1st Class)

Awarded , by Zabstone

awarded for an unprecedented heroism in both defensive and offensive actions on the battlefield in vicinity of Foy. You did not let the 101st DIV capture the key town of Foy together with its bridges and suburbs, thus gaining us the upperhand  in the Battle of the Bulge. Glory belongs to you.

CMP FH2 #11: Iron Cross (1st Class)

Awarded , by Zabstone
awarded for an unprecedented heroism in both defensive and offensive actions on the battlefield in vicinity of Foy. You did not let the 101st DIV capture the key town of Foy together with its bridges and suburbs, thus gaining us the upperhand  in the Battle of the Bulge. Glory belongs to you.

CMP FH2 #11: Iron Cross (1st Class)

Awarded , by Zabstone
awarded for an unprecedented heroism in both defensive and offensive actions on the battlefield in vicinity of Foy. You did not let the 101st DIV capture the key town of Foy together with its bridges and suburbs, thus gaining us the upperhand  in the Battle of the Bulge. Glory belongs to you.

CMP FH2 #11: Iron Cross (2nd Class)

Awarded , by Zabstone

In recognition to his versatile actions - taking up the role of radio operator on CC, commanding squad, being a regular infantryman in what it seems - "against all the odds" situation throughout the battle 6.

CMP FH2 #11: Iron Cross (2nd Class)

Awarded , by Zabstone

In recognition to his versatile actions - taking up the role of radio operator on CC, commanding squad, being a regular infantryman in what it seems - "against all the odds" situation throughout the battle 6.

CMP FH2 #11: Iron Cross (2nd Class)

Awarded , by Zabstone

In recognition to his versatile actions - taking up the role of radio operator on CC, commanding squad, being a regular infantryman in what it seems - "against all the odds" situation throughout the battle 6.

CMP FH2 #11: Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross

Awarded , by Zabstone

For his dedication to the Polish regiment, awarded after battle 4. You always remain after our trainings, always coming up with new ideas. Your deeds on the battlefield proved that you are advanced and versatile in all types of warfare.

CMP FH2 #11: Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross

Awarded , by Zabstone

For his dedication to the Polish regiment, awarded after battle 4. You always remain after our trainings, always coming up with new ideas. Your deeds on the battlefield proved that you are advanced and versatile in all types of warfare.

CMP FH2 #11: Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross

Awarded , by Zabstone

For his dedication to the Polish regiment, awarded after battle 4. You always remain after our trainings, always coming up with new ideas. Your deeds on the battlefield proved that you are advanced and versatile in all types of warfare.

CMP FH2 #10: Tank Crew Badge

Awarded , by gerul

Za wspieranie piechoty czołgiem

CMP FH2 #10: Tank Crew Badge

Awarded , by gerul

Za wspieranie piechoty czołgiem

CMP FH2 #10: Tank Crew Badge

Awarded , by gerul

Za wspieranie piechoty czołgiem

CMP FH2 #10: Parachutist Badge

Awarded , by matyszg

Przyznano za uczestnictwo w 4 bitwach w ramach 187 Pułku Piechoty Spadochronowej, wchodzącego w skład 185 Dywizji Spadochronowej „Folgore”.

CMP FH2 #10: Parachutist Badge

Awarded , by matyszg

Przyznano za uczestnictwo w 4 bitwach w ramach 187 Pułku Piechoty Spadochronowej, wchodzącego w skład 185 Dywizji Spadochronowej „Folgore”.

CMP FH2 #10: Parachutist Badge

Awarded , by matyszg

Przyznano za uczestnictwo w 4 bitwach w ramach 187 Pułku Piechoty Spadochronowej, wchodzącego w skład 185 Dywizji Spadochronowej „Folgore”.

CMP FH2 #10: Gold Medal of Military Valor

Awarded , by matyszg

Przyznano za akcje za liniami wroga, w szczególności za zajęcie i utrzymanie flagi Outpost, mimo miażdżącej przewagi przeciwnika.

CMP FH2 #10: Gold Medal of Military Valor

Awarded , by matyszg

Przyznano za akcje za liniami wroga, w szczególności za zajęcie i utrzymanie flagi Outpost, mimo miażdżącej przewagi przeciwnika.

CMP FH2 #10: Gold Medal of Military Valor

Awarded , by matyszg

Przyznano za akcje za liniami wroga, w szczególności za zajęcie i utrzymanie flagi Outpost, mimo miażdżącej przewagi przeciwnika.

CMP FH2 #10: Long Command Military Medal of Merit

Awarded , by matyszg

Przyznano  za podjęcie trudów dowodzenia oddziałem, pomimo niesprzyjających okoliczności.

CMP FH2 #10: Long Command Military Medal of Merit

Awarded , by matyszg

Przyznano  za podjęcie trudów dowodzenia oddziałem, pomimo niesprzyjających okoliczności.

CMP FH2 #10: Long Command Military Medal of Merit

Awarded , by matyszg

Przyznano  za podjęcie trudów dowodzenia oddziałem, pomimo niesprzyjających okoliczności.

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