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Quicksilver last won the day on March 19

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    United Kingdom

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  1. until
    CMP FH2 Mini-Campaign: Rising Tides, Soaring Skies Battle #6
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    CMP FH2 Mini-Campaign: Rising Tides, Soaring Skies Battle #5
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    CMP FH2 Mini-Campaign: Rising Tides, Soaring Skies Battle #4
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    CMP FH2 Mini-Campaign: Rising Tides, Soaring Skies Battle #3
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    CMP FH2 Mini-Campaign: Rising Tides, Soaring Skies Battle #2
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    CMP FH2 Mini-Campaign: Rising Tides, Soaring Skies Battle #1
  7. How To Join A Campaign Step 1: On the CMP forums at https://cmp-gaming.com/, register to create an account Step 2: After successfully registering, click on Campaigns from the top menu, or go to https://cmp-gaming.com/campaigns/ Step 3: Choose the current campaign and decide if you want to join Allied or Axis Step 4: Choose a regiment to join. You'll want to join an English Speaking International Regiment if you speak English, but if you speak Polish, Spanish, German or Russian then you are welcome to join those dedicated regiments. The information is below each regiment name Step 5: Once you have signed up for a regiment, you'll be granted access to the Campaign section of the forums. Find your regiment and post an introduction in your regiment's forum area and say hello! Then make sure to read the section titled "FH2 Campaigns - What You Need To Know". This has a lot of very important information in it that you'll need to know. Step 6: If your Discord account and CMP forums account are linked (use https://cmp-gaming.com/settings/login/?service=11 to do so), then you'll get access to your team's Discord channels (Allied or Axis) where you can speak with your fellow team mates about the campaign and upcoming battles. Importantly it is recommended to attend trainings for battles which take place on a Thursdays at 18:00UTC in Summer and 19:00UTC in Winter. You can only access battles by getting the password in Teamspeak from your Commanding Officer on a Friday night.
  8. FH2 Mini-Campaign: Rising Tides, Soaring Skies Public Event The public event will allow us to test the maps again for bugs and issues. There is quite a lot of customisation involved with the maps and this requires a little more testing before switching to campaign play. Automatic Download Use the FH2 Launcher, and if not already checked, tick the box for "Check for CMP Gaming Tournament Map Updates on launch" Alternative Manual File Download Map Pack Download - Download Files THE CAMPAIGN MINIMOD IS NOW PART OF THE MAIN FH2 FILES IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS. START FH2 AND GO TO "OPTIONS", THEN "UPDATE / REPAIR" AND CLICK ON "REPAIR" The campaign files will come in a zipped file. Just copy these files into Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\mods\ folder. Choose 'Extract Here' and let it install the files. Let it overwrite any files if you have older campaign files installed. If you use the standalone version of the game, then copy the files into Program Files (x86)\FH2\mods instead and then extract. Details: Date: Friday February 7th and Saturday February 8th Server: CMP - FH2 Battle Server IP: fh2.cmp-gaming.com : 16567 Teamspeak: CMP - Teamspeak Server: ts.cmp-gaming.com Requirements To Play: Latest version of Forgotten Hope 2 Latest Campaign Pack: Use the above updater or manually download the files Event Admins: Papillon kummitus Hawk RAnDOOm Erwin GeoPat pozzo
  9. until
    CMP FH2 Mini-Campaign: Rising Tides, Soaring Skies Scrimmage
  10. until
    CMP FH2 Mini-Campaign: Rising Tides, Soaring Skies Public Event
  11. There will be a public event open to everyone tomorrow, Saturday 25th January at 19:00UTC (usual campaign battle time). Bttles for this campaign will take place on Friday's, kicking off with a scrim on Friday 31st January at 19:00UTC.
  12. In this unique mini-campaign, engage in a series of gripping iconic battles from the sun-baked shores of Malta, to the skies over Britain, and the vast waters of the Pacific ocean, where each engagement will test your mettle. With a blend of air, ground and sea combat, players must adapt their strategies to defend or destroy critical objectives. Coordinate daring air raids to cripple enemy supply lines, launch deadly sea bombardments to destroy the enemy fleet, and engage in fierce dogfights high above the battlefield. Will you rise to the challenge and help bring victory to your team? After months of mapping and development we are proud to offer another great FH2 campaign, where each week will bring two battles, consisting of four rounds per battle. Be part of the 332nd Fighter Group, or fight as the 13th Sentai Fighter Regiment in 10 intense battles on great custom maps, exclusively edited for this campaign. Sign up and join the fight, as you play Battle of Britain, Midway, Surigao Strait, Malta, Bombing the Reich, Operation Hailstone and other beautifully designed maps. In This Mini FH2 Campaign You Will Experience: A unique set up for FH2 with non-stop action in the air, on the ground and at sea as you take part in organized air patrols, dive-bomb attacks, and sea battles to defend or destroy your objectives. 10 battles in theaters from around the world, with custom content and maps you won't see anywhere else. Fight in battles with up to 100 players. Communicate directly with your squad using Teamspeak and apply well planned strategy and tactics not seen on any public servers. Form new friendships with like-minded people from all over the world. Taking part is completely free and everybody is welcome! CLICK BELOW TO JOIN
  13. From all of the Committee, Admins and Moderators we want to wish all of the CMP community a wonderful holiday and hopes for a fantastic New Year. As we stand on the brink of a new year, it's hard to believe that yet another chapter has come to a close. But soon, we will gather at our rally points yet again, ready to spawn into 2025. While we may carry some of the challenges and concerns from the past year with us, let’s embrace the idea that each of us holds the potential to create change, no matter how small. Whether it’s a kind word to a friend on Discord or Teamspeak, a helping hand to someone in need, or simply sharing a moment of fun in-game with friends, every action counts. Within the CMP community, we have witnessed this spirit of connection and support flourish. From friends meeting online to share their passion for gaming, to CMP members gathering in person to enjoy good food and great conversation, and our vibrant Discord server buzzing with discussions and assistance — these moments remind us of the strength we find in each other. As we reflect on the growth of our community, we can take pride in how far we’ve come. Our numbers have swelled to over 3,000 members, and our signature FH2 campaigns have become a beacon for players seeking a place to call home. This is a testament to the welcoming environment we’ve built together, where everyone can hopefully feel valued and connected. So, as we prepare to step into 2025, let’s carry this warmth and camaraderie with us. Let’s continue to nurture our community and support one another. Here’s to a new year filled with hope, friendship, and the promise of new adventures! In 2024 we hosted two diverse and interesting FH2 campaigns using a mix of our favourite custom maps, mixed in with a number of new maps never played before in a campaign. It continues to surprise us that FH2 still holds a special place in so many players' hearts after all this time as we saw the server full throughout most of Campaign #15 in the Ardennes, and Campaign #16 covering various early war theatres. We're pleased to see more of the "older veterans" returning play in our campaigns, or simply coming to chat with us in Discord. And, once again, we've seen so many new players participating in their first campaigns this year, we hope they've enjoyed the experience and they'll return for more campaigns next year! There is so much that goes on in the background to keep the community, campaigns and events running and we must recognise the core group of CMP members who tirelessly give their all for this wonderful community of players. They work long hours, using their free time to bring our community not only two custom FH2 campaigns each year, but also to make sure that CMP can thrive going forward, and they deserve a heartfelt thank you from us all. Without the dedication from those listed below, there would be no CMP community, and no FH2 campaigns for us all to enjoy: Website, Game Servers, Discord, Teamspeak and All Things Technical kummitus Mapping and Mapping Support Papillon Geopat Pr0z4c Watchtower SgtAlex Blander Harmonikater king_tigernator Stubbfan CptBocquier Vlasov Forums, Graphics, Social Media and Community Support RAnDOOm Sir_Kowskoskey Hawk RayderPSG Erwin Map Balancing and Feedback RayderPSG Hawk McCloskey pozzo Ayrton There are undoubtedly many others in the community that aren't on this list and we thank them all for their help. Donations A massive thank you must also go out to those who have donated throughout 2024 and continue to donate monthly, or offer one-off amounts to keep the forums, Teamspeak, Discord channels and game server up and running. With the help of the CMP members listed below, we managed to shoot past our target goal by an impressive 190 euros for this year! € 973,36 Raised! Thank you to: Incognito Dani3l Johonas Tomi56 AL-SAHAD krakki Yehiel The_Green_Bunny Papillon komejant Greeksoldier76 SgtAlex Spindrifter49 Strauchdieb GeoPat Mekong RayderPSG john_tomasson Pepinio Without the generous donations from this small number of community members out of the 3,000+ registered on the forums (just 0.4% of the community!), we would not be able to continue with the custom FH2 campaigns, and the expansion of the CMP community to look at supporting more games and events during 2025. If you donated to CMP, but are not on the list above, PM @Quicksilver and receive your 2024 Donators Medal! If you'd like to donate, you can see how, by going here. CMP 2024 Recap Over the past 12 months we have: Hosted both our Ardennes and Early War FH2 campaigns. Both Allied and Axis have both managed to take victory in the campaigns this year, as we look towards the next campaigns, we will most likely see some mixing up of the various squads to keep things interesting in 2025! We want to thank the HQ's, Officers and Squad Leaders for taking the time to lead and help players in these campaigns, attending trainings, meetings and battles. Without you, these campaigns would not have been possible! Also, to the players who may be old veterans, or brand new to FH2 and playing in CMP campaigns - Thank You! Yet again we've seen the server nearing max capacity during the campaigns. We hope you will keep coming back for more in the future. Continued to organise community games such as: CS2 Hell Let Loose Squad 44 Star Citizen Valheim Come and join them if you play these games! Christmas Holiday Break Now that the 16th FH2 campaign is over, those involved in the long process of planning the campaigns will be taking a well deserved break over Christmas and the New Year. However, we have already started making plans for an exciting Campaign #17! We expect the next FH2 campaign to start sometime in March 2024. Keep checking the forums and CMP emails to find out when the new campaign will start and to get signed up! We welcome all new players to join us in upcoming FH2 campaigns, and if you have played in at least one of our campaigns and would like to volunteer for a role as a Squad Leader, Regimental Commanding Officer or even as HQ then please let @Quicksilver or @RayderPSG know by Private Message in the forums and we'll see if we can find a place for you. CMP In 2025 We are looking to increase support for existing gaming groups and the number of games we support over the next year: Continuing our FH2 campaigns; More DiRT Rally 2.0 events; As Star Citizen increases in scope and activities we will be hosting more events including our first entry into the Daymar Rally! Come and join us at ANTCORP! Continue to host our own world server for Valheim; To continue arranging scrims with other communities and clans playing Squad 44; Supporting the expanding community of Hell Let Loose players in the CMP community and arranging events with other communities; Arranging events to play Squad with those who play within CMP. Are there other multiplayer and co-operative games you are interested in that you think the CMP community would enjoy too? If you do, then please post here and also vote in our poll! Donating To CMP In 2024 our donators helped us to exceed our target goal for the year. Without donations to help cover the costs for servers and software we cannot continue to create and host FH2 campaigns, support new games when possible; as well as run the forums, Teamspeak and Discord channels. As we begin a new year we will again need members to step up and donate whatever they can afford to help cover the monthly community costs - even a few Euros will help. You can use the button below to make a single or monthly donation to CMP, or use the buttons on the side bar of the Home page.
  14. TT = Total Tickets Remaining | T RVP = Round Bonus Modifier | T TVP = Total Tickets Bonus Modifier RVP = Round Victory Points | TVP = Total Victory Points
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