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Data protection



Hello, I've always noticed that we have tons of guests in the online status on the website. I thought back then that there are bots and search engine crawlers.

I just tried it myself earlier and googled my name Pepinio with the following combinations on the startpage searchegnine.
cmp Pepinio and cmp gaming pepinio. The latter offers even more hits because more explicit searches have been made.

Is it necessary that everything that takes place in communication on CMP gaming really has to end up public in the network?

Can you please add a Robot.txt to certain areas or what is currently being done about it is not clear to me, I am not a web designer. So that the search engines and any wayback machines do not save everything.

My suggestion is not aimed at hiding everything from search engines, but CMP is just too open to my terms.
For me, for example, directly a hit where we had spoken about the European elections at that time. Would be great if you could revise the page and decide which areas are public and which are not.

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So most forums are behind a login, especially campaign related and we would like to keep at least some open for the public to see that its not completely dead page when they come around.

Obviously though we take the concerns seriously and maybe we should be more transparent on what is visible to the general public including search engines, which forum you are specifically concerned? I think at least language forums could benefit from being hidden away, albeit then they would not show the dedicated communities we have for them.


Generally tho, most discussion that I take part of has happened on Discord, so personally I have not really put that much interest on what is visible on forum and what not. 

Tech wise for "privacy" we have opted to not run any analytics or such that would generate data to 3rd parties at will, robot.txt is kinda meh as its just a guideline for search engines to not look up stuff and not a physical block so anyone with enough determination can still go and look all the stuff up. Our privacy policy goes a bit more into detail on whats happening https://cmp-gaming.com/privacy/ .


Also we like search engines to a degree as they provide visibility to gain new players as well.



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