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NASA Reveals its New Asteroid Protection Plan

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How ready are we to deal with an impending asteroid strike ?

A new 18-page document outlines how NASA and FEMA will approach the threat of an apocalyptic asteroid strike.

The report, which is known as the National Near-Earth Object Preparedness Strategy and Action Plan, details the specific objectives that the agencies will work towards over the next ten years.

"This plan is an outline not only to enhance the hunt for hazardous asteroids, but also to better predict their chances of being an impact threat well into the future and the potential effects that it could have on Earth," NASA's planetary defence officer Lindley Johnson told reporters.

The plan's five major objectives are:

  1. Enhance our ability to detect, track and characterize near-Earth asteroids.
  2. Improve our ability to predict whether any given space rock will hit the Earth.
  3. Develop new and more effective ways to deflect incoming asteroids.
  4. Improve international co-operation and awareness.
  5. Develop appropriate emergency procedures to be used in the event of an imminent strike.

"Implementing the National Near-Earth Object Preparedness Strategy and Action Plan will greatly increase our nation's readiness... to effectively respond, should a new, potential asteroid impact be detected," said Johnson.

The entire plan can be viewed on the White House's website - here.

Full article here: https://www.space.com/40943-nasa-asteroid-defense-plan.html

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