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Anguita36 last won the day on May 17 2022

Anguita36 had the most liked content!

1 Follower

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Anguita36's Achievements


Private (104/183)



Anguita36's Awards

CMP FH2 #10: Order of the British Empire

Awarded , by johnnymzq

Excelente soldado el cual genero mucho daño con su MG .Campaña FH2 #10 "The Devil´s Dawn"

CMP FH2 #10: Order of the British Empire

Awarded , by johnnymzq

Excelente soldado el cual genero mucho daño con su MG .Campaña FH2 #10 "The Devil´s Dawn"

CMP FH2 #10: Order of the British Empire

Awarded , by johnnymzq

Excelente soldado el cual genero mucho daño con su MG .Campaña FH2 #10 "The Devil´s Dawn"

CMP FH2 #10: Conspicuous Gallantry Medal

Awarded , by johnnymzq

su gran aporte como MG

CMP FH2 #10: Conspicuous Gallantry Medal

Awarded , by johnnymzq

su gran aporte como MG

CMP FH2 #10: Conspicuous Gallantry Medal

Awarded , by johnnymzq

su gran aporte como MG

CMP FH2 #10: Mentioned in Dispatches

Awarded , by johnnymzq

por haber asistido 4 batallas. Campaña FH2 #10 "The Devil´s Dawn"

CMP FH2 #10: Mentioned in Dispatches

Awarded , by johnnymzq

por haber asistido 4 batallas. Campaña FH2 #10 "The Devil´s Dawn"

CMP FH2 #10: Mentioned in Dispatches

Awarded , by johnnymzq

por haber asistido 4 batallas. Campaña FH2 #10 "The Devil´s Dawn"

CMP FH2 #10: King's Badge

Awarded , by johnnymzq

por haber asistido 4 entrenamientos. Campaña FH2 #10 "The Devil´s Dawn"

CMP FH2 #10: King's Badge

Awarded , by johnnymzq

por haber asistido 4 entrenamientos. Campaña FH2 #10 "The Devil´s Dawn"

CMP FH2 #10: King's Badge

Awarded , by johnnymzq

por haber asistido 4 entrenamientos. Campaña FH2 #10 "The Devil´s Dawn"

CMP FH2 #6: Italy Star

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Otorgado a aquellos que sirvieron en las campañas de Sicilia e Italia.

Awarded to those serving in the Sicily and Italian campaigns

CMP FH2 #6: Italy Star

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Otorgado a aquellos que sirvieron en las campañas de Sicilia e Italia.

Awarded to those serving in the Sicily and Italian campaigns

CMP FH2 #6: Italy Star

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Otorgado a aquellos que sirvieron en las campañas de Sicilia e Italia.

Awarded to those serving in the Sicily and Italian campaigns

CMP FH2 #6: Distinguished Service Medal

Awarded , by Darkpotato

El regimiento Seaforth Higlanders le entrega esta medalla por asistir a 8 batallas.

The Seaforth Higlanders regiment gives him this medal for attending 8 battles.

CMP FH2 #6: Distinguished Service Medal

Awarded , by Darkpotato

El regimiento Seaforth Higlanders le entrega esta medalla por asistir a 8 batallas.

The Seaforth Higlanders regiment gives him this medal for attending 8 battles.

CMP FH2 #6: Distinguished Service Medal

Awarded , by Darkpotato

El regimiento Seaforth Higlanders le entrega esta medalla por asistir a 8 batallas.

The Seaforth Higlanders regiment gives him this medal for attending 8 battles.

CMP FH2 #6: Imperial Service Medal

Awarded , by Darkpotato

El regimiento SH le otorga esta medalla por asistir a al menos a 3 entrenos

The SH Regiment awards you this medal for attending at least 3 trainings

CMP FH2 #6: Imperial Service Medal

Awarded , by Darkpotato

El regimiento SH le otorga esta medalla por asistir a al menos a 3 entrenos

The SH Regiment awards you this medal for attending at least 3 trainings

CMP FH2 #6: Imperial Service Medal

Awarded , by Darkpotato

El regimiento SH le otorga esta medalla por asistir a al menos a 3 entrenos

The SH Regiment awards you this medal for attending at least 3 trainings

CMP FH2 #6: Canadian Volunteer Service Medal

Awarded , by Darkpotato

El regimiento SH le otorga esta medalla por ser mencionado más de 3 veces en la recomendación de medallas.

The SH regiment awards him this medal for being mentioned more than 3 times in the medal recommendation.

CMP FH2 #6: Canadian Volunteer Service Medal

Awarded , by Darkpotato

El regimiento SH le otorga esta medalla por ser mencionado más de 3 veces en la recomendación de medallas.

The SH regiment awards him this medal for being mentioned more than 3 times in the medal recommendation.

CMP FH2 #6: Canadian Volunteer Service Medal

Awarded , by Darkpotato

El regimiento SH le otorga esta medalla por ser mencionado más de 3 veces en la recomendación de medallas.

The SH regiment awards him this medal for being mentioned more than 3 times in the medal recommendation.

CMP FH2 #6: Distinguished Service Medal

Awarded , by L.L.HERRAIZ

Por tu asistencia a 3 batallas del frente italiano.

CMP FH2 #6: Distinguished Service Medal

Awarded , by L.L.HERRAIZ

Por tu asistencia a 3 batallas del frente italiano.

CMP FH2 #6: Distinguished Service Medal

Awarded , by L.L.HERRAIZ

Por tu asistencia a 3 batallas del frente italiano.

CMP FH2 #5: North Africa Medal

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Awarded to all Axis participants at the end of the campaign.

CMP FH2 #5: North Africa Medal

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Awarded to all Axis participants at the end of the campaign.

CMP FH2 #5: North Africa Medal

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Awarded to all Axis participants at the end of the campaign.

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