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Heyna last won the day on April 21 2024
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Best: - Played as tanker 1st half of 1st round. Played 2.5 rounds as backup for Stuka @ЯÖÏÖR We stopped enemy armor advance Multiple times Therefore i Dedicate Battle photo to @ЯÖÏÖR as i captured his bombing run from cockpit. Worst: - I crashed when i had KD Ratio 17:0 2 minutes before end of a round 3 Funniest: - @Pr0z4c i crashed into his AA on a ground, also nice duel with AA, Nice performance bastard ! Most hated player: - @Pr0z4c he slashed our wings many times, being a pain in the ass Most loved/liked player: - @ЯÖÏÖR Having fun mid skies Very nice Bombing runs mate Best Battle Photo - Blitzkrieg 1940
Best: Nice to play pre war hoping for September 39 campaign in near future Worst: Have not played FH2 for a year Most hated player: Toxic behaviour People in chat, direct offensive language, Admins should really do st with it. Most loved/liked player: My Regiment and @RAnDOOm fixing my Forum issue pre battle so i could play Best Battle Photo -Fast & Furious
Best: -Shooting @Boogiewoogiebugleboy and @qufic on 1 mag with walter when they were attacking TrenchesNarr Spotted guy running between buildings, he was fast asf, took me like full mag to get him but finally narrow alley shot. Funniest: - 3rd round CQB with @genp dueling and waiting for him to finish shooting all his 15mag from m1 and Colt 1911 not hitting me once close combat XDDDDD in the Church side building - got head from my k98 Leaving main with @Kwiot and just found out by mistake that @CptBocquier set rally for is mates - all got killed instantly Most loved/liked player: - @Kwiot Having nice time behind enemy lines. - Destroying everything what was leaving main with Mines and Shreck, - Coop on Stug, me spotting him shooting - best tank mate to be found @Voksi for giving me frags - shoot him like 3 times leaveing main with Shreck ambush Best Battle Photo -Shrecking everything that moves - best shrecker wrecker Other: -Good Job Murica ! it was even battle, a lot of good effort from your Team. noticed Poles having good performance this time.
Best: STG ZF4 is OP balance it @Kwiot shooting inf from panther front MG me being a Panzer ass cover Worst: - @Kwiotgetting angry about amount of bazzokas shooting him, poor guy Funniest: -Sending panzers to attack ... Castle 1st round @Kwiot flipping Panzer 4 @350ping_nobully trying to get down from ridge he killed him self falling Most hated player: -CMP @Hawk he killed me like every round at least once and i tried to Gebalte Chaffe Most loved/liked player: - @EL_Miguel for really good performance @350ping_nobully For leading and allowing free roam tactics @Superkalasnikov For being a funny guy @Kwiot for being best comrade and secundans Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/5600-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: - During last round a polish squad attempt to take Ridge, they failed in ambush, i cut them off all with and rally with Rambo style Comando kit from main.
Best: - flying with @caeno and Soloing Rambo style entire Polish Post in Vardim Worst: - @Awisko Panther took satchel on mask and no harm only killing gunner. Funniest: -Me Stabbing with Knife @Ronid twice and Bagging my Polsih friends also @Sir_Kowskoskey i love tu hug You with my bazooka Most hated player: - Everyone Most loved/liked player: - @Kwiot for best performance during battle 5 and 6. @caeno for good coordination Best Battle Photo - Entire Polish Squad bagging me after i bagged each of them @TomTom39 @FadusTM @gtgt40 @Zabstone i think it will be the Best battle photo Other: - Honorable mention, got something for You here @ColonelDeepthroat Enjoy
Best: - Easy II Squad ! All brothers in arms ! We were kicking Axis assess Worst: - Kicking me from server when tried to Tbag my Apc bit i belive it is sorted as missunderstanding Funniest: - PZ 4 doing barrell roll last round when chased by bazooka Squad Most hated player: - i loved everybody with my 75 cannon this battle, Most loved/liked player: - @ShadowNick for Bazooka Tandem Best Battle Photo - Most enjoyable moment Me killing @Awisko Panther with one shot from bazooka distance ~100 m to the side Other: BAZOOKA TIME with @ShadowNick ! High five bro for superb tandem. Together we have got 38 kills
Witam wszystkich serdecznie. Dziś wraz z @Zabstone mieliśmy przyjemność zaprezentować nasz nowy pomysł na spędzanie wolnych dni podczas tej okrutnej pandemii. Wieczory na priv serwerze gdzie będziemy mierzyć się ze sobą w Duelach, Squadach albo teamach. pomysł świeży realizacja w trakcie, ale fajnie że przybyło dużo chętnych osób również z innych języcznych teamów. Dla wszystkich zainteresowanych pozwolę bliżej przybliżyć ten temat @Zabstone Ja jedynie chciałem to tutaj zacząć i już niedługo ten wątek powędruje do międzynarodowego forum w celu rozwinięcia pomysłu na bitwy - treningi między poszczególnymi zespołami. Dzięki również @FadusTM za ogarnięcie serwera do tego typu aktywnośći
Best: - Got Jeep and Heat Garand from main, traveled entire map to get this Stug @WOLFXL, put 4 grenades in his back in revenge for ambush 5 minutes earlier. Worst: - Was waiting for entire 1st round ~40 minutes on the edge of the map with M36 killing only 2 kubells @Pr0z4c and @bombarik. it was so boring Funniest: -Sweet Revenge on @Papillon after he Panzershrecked me behind our lines in city. I Spawned as INF and found him and killed him, tbagged in vendetta and stole his Shreck which i later used to Repel enemy attack on city destroying @Diegothic Panther - 2x shots in back. Most hated player: -@FadusTM as good performance in KT Most loved/liked player: - @caeno for care in 5th round @Lajtus for whisper jokes. Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/3141-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: -I dont really belive in purpose of the 6th round during this battle.
Share your opinions about the battle. Replies are ok but no flaming, keep it clean! Copy and paste below: Best: -1st and 5th round was doing good with tanks, King tiger was a target practise shield Worst: -I was gebalted every time i entered city on round 4 Funniest: -Tore swearing Polish Most hated player: -@gerul for his personal goal of destroying me by satchel or mines Most loved/liked player: @caeno and @BaskaBommi for good leading, i had only pleasure to play with them. so other NCO please dont mind Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/3141-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: -tbagged @qtaCHRIs after leaving hellcat
Best: - Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Worst: - Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Funniest: -Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Most hated player: Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Most loved/liked player: Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Best Battle Photo - Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers
Share your opinions about the battle. Replies are ok but no flaming, keep it clean! Copy and paste below: Best: - Worst: - Funniest: - When you plan your rally next to the enemys rally Most hated player: - Most loved/liked player: - Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/2786-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: -
Best: destroying 2 stugs and halftrack on first round with bazooka only. Last round was Lucky shot when on move, at well hidden @VINCE_ITA in his stug far behind hill at leham, i was using JUMBO, first shot deflected., he almost got me. Best2: Decent plane performance being only on mustang i managed to shoot down some planes and inf guys. Worst: my self-poor officer perf. this time. had to focus more on some other things so i could not stay well shaped on a ground. Funniest: Hitting @RayderPSG with my wings from P51 mustang when he was passing on hill at W45. i could not shot him because he stood right in fron of my nose and my MGs from plane did not have angle, so i hit him with my wings. Most hated player: @thunderman :d because he was stoping our push at chateu Most loved/liked player: @Ronid for NCOs performance and @outlawz for his arty perf. Best Battle Photo Shooting down @Tore out of his 109 with JUMBO when he was strafing over our main.