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Posts posted by Defender

  1. I only could play the first round, so my analysis doesn`t reflect the battle in general. 

    Performance of the Division: It was good, we even had the upper hand some times. However, I feel that the allies are always a step ahead from us. When we capture 3 flags, quickly they take one of ours. And sometimes, all of our squads were defending our 2 flags when we needed to capture one ASAP.

    Performance of the regiment: Good, we defended the village most of the time and I also would like to point the incursion that we the second squad of hispanos did in the church flag. With only 3-4 members we took a couple of times the flag and disrupt the defenses of the allies, having to desviate a lot of troops here to recapture the flag during a considerable amount of time. 

    Performance of the officers: Great job of Sgt. Alex leading the second squad and specially during the mentioned assault to the flag. Congrats

    Performance of yourself: I think it was correct, but there is always room to improve. 


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  2. Performance of the Division: I think we did pretty well in the first and last battle. However the second and thirst round were a bit chaotic, losing a lot of flags quickly and not being able to reorganize and counter attack as soon as we should. 

    Performance of the regiment: I think we are improving and, about the hispanics, we are getting more familiar with the basics (for some of us is the first campaign). However we still should focus in improve some of the areas @RayderPSGpointed out in his post about common mistakes for the hispanics. (Those Rp's!!) 

    Performance of the officers: Very good job, specially leading some solids defenses we did in certain flags, almost epics in some moments. If I would have to point a negative point, maybe the leadership was a little confusing in a certain time of the battle when a lot happened  (some people joining and other leaving, doubts about keeping 2 squads or merging both into 1, doubts about who would lead the squads...) But again, I think that times are normal in the development of the battle (4 hours is a long time and a lot is going on) and there is very little to do to solve it when happen. 

    Performance of yourself: Average. I had  some good moments but I also had some bad ones (I am awful with the k98 in short distances!)  

    Medal recommendations: Sorry I didn`t pay attention to this during the battle. I will try to do it next week. 

    Additional notes: Nothing I can think of for the moment. See you in the next battlefield!!!

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  3. Name: SpanishDefender in game

    Location and/or Timezone: Spain, GMT +1

    Experience: Quite time playing FH2, but this is my first campaign.

    Proficiency/Preferred roles: Assault, MG's and sometimes scout, depending on the map

    Additional Information: I consider very important the tactical mindset to achieve the victory on a round. In normal servers there are sometimes players who forget this and only focus in killing. Thanksfully, we are in good hands. Our NCO's and CO's are true strategist!!

  4. Hola @Wualy. Pues simplemente estaba jugando y caeno avisó por el chat general que comenzaba una campaña en unos minutos y me animé. Fue todo un poco precipitado jaja. Saludos

  5. Hola a todos!

    Me enteré por casualidad el otro día de comenzaba una campaña cuando faltaban sólo 10 minutos para que empezase!

    No pude resistirme cuando me enteré de que había una squad hispana y aquí estoy, dispuesto a echar una mano en lo que pueda.

    Añado que espero poder participar en todas las batallas de la presente campaña, por lo menos las primeras horas. 

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