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  1. Best: Ombustman's plane frags with Pak40 and CaproGreen's laugh about that. Worst: Hit reg. Funniest: I was laying in bushes for about 10 minutes overall and had fun though. Most hated player: ... Most loved/liked player: It was a Soviet tanker attacking Maksimoff from south-west with a good awareness/mouse look so we couldn't get him for 5 minutes. Best Battle Photo -
  2. Best: It was a moment when I did a rush to road near Hillside and blew up AL-Sahad's jeep and then another vehicle at the very beginning of round. So I finished putting second mine as planned and heard incoming engine. Jeep was riding straight to me and it's only 50 meters away! I ran 10 meters away from the road trying to hide, then turned back to mine and bam! - a wreck on fire. It was intense, fun and it was luck! Worst: So we'been at 1first line defending with Yehiel when I saw incoming full squad from the west. I said @incoming@ into a mic and start shooting with a G41 that was kindly given to me. Wiped out three of them then did a tactical mistake and was killed. Looked at the map - Yehiel's arrow wasn't moving! Omg he's afk he left me alone! I'm kidding. The worst was my useless messing with mines. I had at least 4 more tanks that I could blow up but due to my mistakes that didn't happened. They were mine! ( Funniest: I liked that joke about capabilities of anus. Most hated player: I cannot hate but pair of guys annoyed me a little bit. These are kutuzovrusss with PPSH covering tank's back and taking me out every time I tried to flank them. And Wlasow with MG42 laying somewhere near Roadblock flooding killfeed with lines. He took out more than 10 troopers less than in a minute that time. Most loved/liked player: There was a guy in my squad with an accent of Connor McGregor. I liked him most. Unfortunately overwolf overlay didn't worked so I don't know who was that. Best Battle Photo
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