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Everything posted by Raandom

  1. Oh I think I'm actually somewhere in between @turbomursu. What I definitely dislike are games with really poor force feedback (which are usually the more arcade ones as their controls are more optimized for controllers anyways), as you don't get a feeling of how the cars handle then (which doesn't really matter to anybody who is not using a wheel anyways). I'm not spending hours over hours on the setups right now, and I probably will not do so in the future. Everytime I try to set everything up by myself, my cars start doing crazy things. So I decided I better stop doing so But on the other hand, for me a setup that includes things like tire wear (as you don't have to care about tire wear in our short races, unless you are going close to the edge everytime) or pitstops (which I only like for their ability to repair my screwed up car easily) is not too complex. You don't have to take that into account unless you want to get every .001 second out of your car. And I like some things like fixed teams as they give the game a somehow more "realistic" feeling (you know having team AchtungsQuickNowSilver in their quick silver cars all the time and you know exactly who you just crashed in). I'm definitely not suggesting going for 2 real life hours of endurance racing in cars with disabled assistants with first person enforced and fast tire wear so have to change your tires every second round to the correct new ones or otherwise you don't stand a chance because the weather changes all the time during the race. I tried to find a setup that is somehow appealing to both groups, and Quick already suggested having the assistants enabled, so we'll have a try with that next time
  2. Just looked it up, no cross-platform play
  3. It would be cool if it has that, at least on their steam page it is not listed. I just looked through some videos, at least from viewing I don't like the way they've implemented car physics. Looks like the crew, with people drifting around all corners instead of actual driving. I would have to try it though, to get a feeling for that. But I just quit Forza Horizon for the exact same reason. The cars simply do not feel like I assume they'd do in reality. I'd personally prefer pc2 right now, you can reduce some simulation effects for the people who prefer to play that way, but still you can have everything else. But if I'm the only one around playing that, it will be hard to get a grid together
  4. I'd really like to, if there are enough people around with enough have spare time Never played GRID, it was free somewhere, wasn't it? I don't know if I picked it up back then. I like PC2 and Assetto for the VR + Wheel experience, does GRID have that?
  5. Hey guys, are there any racing fans around here? I've seen that some of you play Dirt, I'm currently playing Assetto Corsa and Project Cars 2. I really like GT3 cars Maybe we could set up our own small tournament, if there are some more people around who like to play those games.
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