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kinetix last won the day on July 1 2017

kinetix had the most liked content!

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kinetix's Achievements


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kinetix's Awards

CMP FH2 #1: Panzer Assault Badge "25"

Awarded , by WOLFXL

Awarded to Schwere Panzerabteilung 301 Tankers who distinguished themselves in tanker duties during the battle #4 through great battle performance in a Panzer at the campaign CMP FH2 #1

CMP FH2 #1: Panzer Assault Badge "25"

Awarded , by WOLFXL

Awarded to Schwere Panzerabteilung 301 Tankers who distinguished themselves in tanker duties during the battle #4 through great battle performance in a Panzer at the campaign CMP FH2 #1

CMP FH2 #1: Panzer Assault Badge "25"

Awarded , by WOLFXL

Awarded to Schwere Panzerabteilung 301 Tankers who distinguished themselves in tanker duties during the battle #4 through great battle performance in a Panzer at the campaign CMP FH2 #1

CMP FH2 #1: Wound Badge in Black

Awarded , by WOLFXL

Sacrificing his life for his commanders during the last battle he joined and  given due to motivate him for his real life issue.

CMP FH2 #1: Wound Badge in Black

Awarded , by WOLFXL

Sacrificing his life for his commanders during the last battle he joined and  given due to motivate him for his real life issue.

CMP FH2 #1: Wound Badge in Black

Awarded , by WOLFXL

Sacrificing his life for his commanders during the last battle he joined and  given due to motivate him for his real life issue.

CMP FH2 #1: Panzer Badge Bronze

Awarded , by WOLFXL

Awarded to Schwere Panzerabteilung 301 Tankers who distinguished themselves in tanker duties during the battle #4 through great battle performance in a Panzer at the campaign CMP FH2 #1

CMP FH2 #1: Panzer Badge Bronze

Awarded , by WOLFXL

Awarded to Schwere Panzerabteilung 301 Tankers who distinguished themselves in tanker duties during the battle #4 through great battle performance in a Panzer at the campaign CMP FH2 #1

CMP FH2 #1: Panzer Badge Bronze

Awarded , by WOLFXL

Awarded to Schwere Panzerabteilung 301 Tankers who distinguished themselves in tanker duties during the battle #4 through great battle performance in a Panzer at the campaign CMP FH2 #1

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