for the absolute dedication, bravery, heroism shown during the final confrontation on the map - Alpenfestung. There was still a slight chance that we might lose this campaign, you have shown the true professionalism by staying alert and concentrated throughout the course of the last battle gaining us the ultimate victory.
CMP FH2 #11: Golden Knight's Cross of the War Merit Cross
for the absolute dedication, bravery, heroism shown during the final confrontation on the map - Alpenfestung. There was still a slight chance that we might lose this campaign, you have shown the true professionalism by staying alert and concentrated throughout the course of the last battle gaining us the ultimate victory.
CMP FH2 #11: Golden Knight's Cross of the War Merit Cross
for the absolute dedication, bravery, heroism shown during the final confrontation on the map - Alpenfestung. There was still a slight chance that we might lose this campaign, you have shown the true professionalism by staying alert and concentrated throughout the course of the last battle gaining us the ultimate victory.
awarded for an unprecedented heroism in both defensive and offensive actions on the battlefield in vicinity of Foy. You did not let the 101st DIV capture the key town of Foy together with its bridges and suburbs, thus gaining us the upperhand in the Battle of the Bulge. Glory belongs to you.
awarded for an unprecedented heroism in both defensive and offensive actions on the battlefield in vicinity of Foy. You did not let the 101st DIV capture the key town of Foy together with its bridges and suburbs, thus gaining us the upperhand in the Battle of the Bulge. Glory belongs to you.
awarded for an unprecedented heroism in both defensive and offensive actions on the battlefield in vicinity of Foy. You did not let the 101st DIV capture the key town of Foy together with its bridges and suburbs, thus gaining us the upperhand in the Battle of the Bulge. Glory belongs to you.
In recognition to his outstanding contribution both as the frontline soldier and as SL. Thanks to your effort, when polish rooster was low on numbers with the officers and NCO you took up the new role and managed to provide outstanding results on several battles. The medal is a summary for battles - 3,4 and 5.
In recognition to his outstanding contribution both as the frontline soldier and as SL. Thanks to your effort, when polish rooster was low on numbers with the officers and NCO you took up the new role and managed to provide outstanding results on several battles. The medal is a summary for battles - 3,4 and 5.
In recognition to his outstanding contribution both as the frontline soldier and as SL. Thanks to your effort, when polish rooster was low on numbers with the officers and NCO you took up the new role and managed to provide outstanding results on several battles. The medal is a summary for battles - 3,4 and 5.
Zostajesz odznaczony Srebrną Odznaką Niszczyciela Czołgów za wzorowe wykorzystanie Sturmpanzera w niszczeniu wrogiej piechoty oraz pojazdów. Dzięki twojemu wzorowemu wsparciu 1 Kompanie była w stanie zdobyć liczne punkty oporu wroga.
Zostajesz odznaczony Srebrną Odznaką Niszczyciela Czołgów za wzorowe wykorzystanie Sturmpanzera w niszczeniu wrogiej piechoty oraz pojazdów. Dzięki twojemu wzorowemu wsparciu 1 Kompanie była w stanie zdobyć liczne punkty oporu wroga.
Zostajesz odznaczony Srebrną Odznaką Niszczyciela Czołgów za wzorowe wykorzystanie Sturmpanzera w niszczeniu wrogiej piechoty oraz pojazdów. Dzięki twojemu wzorowemu wsparciu 1 Kompanie była w stanie zdobyć liczne punkty oporu wroga.