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ermahe's Achievements


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ermahe's Awards

CMP FH2 #6: British Empire Medal

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Otorgada esta medalla por ser el jugador más mortífero del regimiento SH con ametralladoras ligeras.

Awarded this medal for being the deadliest player in the SH regiment with LMG's.

CMP FH2 #6: British Empire Medal

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Otorgada esta medalla por ser el jugador más mortífero del regimiento SH con ametralladoras ligeras.

Awarded this medal for being the deadliest player in the SH regiment with LMG's.

CMP FH2 #6: British Empire Medal

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Otorgada esta medalla por ser el jugador más mortífero del regimiento SH con ametralladoras ligeras.

Awarded this medal for being the deadliest player in the SH regiment with LMG's.

CMP FH2 #6: Italy Star

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Otorgado a aquellos que sirvieron en las campañas de Sicilia e Italia.

Awarded to those serving in the Sicily and Italian campaigns

CMP FH2 #6: Italy Star

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Otorgado a aquellos que sirvieron en las campañas de Sicilia e Italia.

Awarded to those serving in the Sicily and Italian campaigns

CMP FH2 #6: Italy Star

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Otorgado a aquellos que sirvieron en las campañas de Sicilia e Italia.

Awarded to those serving in the Sicily and Italian campaigns

CMP FH2 #6: Distinguished Service Medal

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Awarded to subjects of the British Commonwealth for  attending 3 battles

CMP FH2 #6: Distinguished Service Medal

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Awarded to subjects of the British Commonwealth for  attending 3 battles

CMP FH2 #6: Distinguished Service Medal

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Awarded to subjects of the British Commonwealth for  attending 3 battles

CMP FH2 #6: Distinguished Service Medal

Awarded , by L.L.HERRAIZ

Por tu asistencia a 3 batallas del frente italiano.

CMP FH2 #6: Distinguished Service Medal

Awarded , by L.L.HERRAIZ

Por tu asistencia a 3 batallas del frente italiano.

CMP FH2 #6: Distinguished Service Medal

Awarded , by L.L.HERRAIZ

Por tu asistencia a 3 batallas del frente italiano.

CMP FH2 #5: North Africa Medal

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Awarded to all Axis participants at the end of the campaign.

CMP FH2 #5: North Africa Medal

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Awarded to all Axis participants at the end of the campaign.

CMP FH2 #5: North Africa Medal

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Awarded to all Axis participants at the end of the campaign.

CMP FH2 #5: Gold Close Combat Clasp

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Otorgada a los soldados de la Wehrmacht que han asistido a 8 batallas.

Awarded to soldiers of the Wehrmacht who have attended 8 battles.

CMP FH2 #5: Gold Close Combat Clasp

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Otorgada a los soldados de la Wehrmacht que han asistido a 8 batallas.

Awarded to soldiers of the Wehrmacht who have attended 8 battles.

CMP FH2 #5: Gold Close Combat Clasp

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Otorgada a los soldados de la Wehrmacht que han asistido a 8 batallas.

Awarded to soldiers of the Wehrmacht who have attended 8 battles.

CMP FH2 #5: Iron Class 1st Class

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Premiado con esta medalla al hasta ahora el mayor terror de las líneas enemigas, en el regimiento PB 900, con 500 kills.

CMP FH2 #5: Iron Class 1st Class

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Premiado con esta medalla al hasta ahora el mayor terror de las líneas enemigas, en el regimiento PB 900, con 500 kills.

CMP FH2 #5: Iron Class 1st Class

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Premiado con esta medalla al hasta ahora el mayor terror de las líneas enemigas, en el regimiento PB 900, con 500 kills.

CMP FH2 #5: Anti-Aircraft Badge

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Por su buen desempeño como artillero antiaéreo durante las batallas #8 y #7. Logrando realizar unas 16 bajas enemigas en total. Sobretodo en la batalla #7 (13 bajas).

CMP FH2 #5: Anti-Aircraft Badge

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Por su buen desempeño como artillero antiaéreo durante las batallas #8 y #7. Logrando realizar unas 16 bajas enemigas en total. Sobretodo en la batalla #7 (13 bajas).

CMP FH2 #5: Anti-Aircraft Badge

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Por su buen desempeño como artillero antiaéreo durante las batallas #8 y #7. Logrando realizar unas 16 bajas enemigas en total. Sobretodo en la batalla #7 (13 bajas).

CMP FH2 #5: Silver Close Combat Clasp

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Por asistir a 5 batallas

CMP FH2 #5: Silver Close Combat Clasp

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Por asistir a 5 batallas

CMP FH2 #5: Silver Close Combat Clasp

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Por asistir a 5 batallas

CMP FH2 #5: Silver Infantry Assault Badge

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Por la buena defensa de la Bandera Finikas en la última ronda y mantener la moral alta hasta el último momento.

CMP FH2 #5: Silver Infantry Assault Badge

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Por la buena defensa de la Bandera Finikas en la última ronda y mantener la moral alta hasta el último momento.

CMP FH2 #5: Silver Infantry Assault Badge

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Por la buena defensa de la Bandera Finikas en la última ronda y mantener la moral alta hasta el último momento.

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