For reliable spotting on Monte La Balanca - and for "volunteering" to play tanker on Hill262 to help his CO sort out a kindergarten-emergency
in the tank squad.
For reliable spotting on Monte La Balanca - and for "volunteering" to play tanker on Hill262 to help his CO sort out a kindergarten-emergency
in the tank squad.
For reliable spotting on Monte La Balanca - and for "volunteering" to play tanker on Hill262 to help his CO sort out a kindergarten-emergency
in the tank squad.
For fighting the tendentio...balanced battle of Monte la Balanca against all the odds and never giving up during the hellish night, you are being awarded the wound badge in black! Wear it like a battle scar and never forget how tough you can be!
For fighting the tendentio...balanced battle of Monte la Balanca against all the odds and never giving up during the hellish night, you are being awarded the wound badge in black! Wear it like a battle scar and never forget how tough you can be!
For fighting the tendentio...balanced battle of Monte la Balanca against all the odds and never giving up during the hellish night, you are being awarded the wound badge in black! Wear it like a battle scar and never forget how tough you can be!