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Posts posted by brcd.

  1. My Performance:
    I was usually in the top 3 at the end of the round, so I think I did pretty good.

    Performance Squad leader:
    You guys tell me.

    Performance of our 8. Bataillon (our company):
    Great use of assets, excellent coordination and impressive individual skill. We managed quite a few sneaky caps with only 3-4 guys!

    Performance Division (whole team):
    Looked very good on the minimap.

    Performance Officers:
    Odium did a great job coordinating between the squad and HQ channel. Also great work relaying information to the tankers.

    Suggestions - who gets a Medal and for what?
    All the infantry guys showed exceptional skill in the capturing/defense of Hill, Alsdorf and Merkstein. We managed to deal alot of damage against overwhelming odds with our 4 man squad. Especially John had some special moments winning 4vs1 fights. Volksgrennie had a more than great first appearance in this campaign - great teamplay. Khaine did great spotting/tank hunting and tanking himself.  Sagdyev played a key role in the repeated recapturing of Hill and is simply a guy you can count on in the heat of battle. I have so many great moments in my head that everyone took part in - give the boys some shiny medals, they definitely deserve them!

    Oh, and Capro for volounteering to join the allies again!

    Extra Remarks?
    It was a pleasure playing the last couple of battles with you guys and I appreciate the teamplay you all displayed - great job!

  2. My Performance:
    I didn't do too bad with the MG.

    Performance Squad leader:
    Yehiel did a good job the first rounds where he was SL.

    Performance of our 8. Bataillon (our company):
    Looked solid.

    Performance Division (whole team):
    Great work figuring out what to do after the second round.

    Performance Officers:
    Good relay of orders and information.

    Suggestions - who gets a Medal and for what?
    stekasteka for outstanding infantry skill, Sagdyev and Capro for great support/teamplay, Yehiel for squad coordination, Odium for versatility and multi-tasking

    Extra Remarks?
    I had a great time playing with you guys, communication seemed to work out very well this time.

    • Like 1
  3. My Performance:
    I actually did fairly well this battle - Great amount of kills and great K/D.

    Performance Squad leader:
    Yehiel did a good job coordinating the defense around Manoir in a calm and decisive manner.

    Performance of our 8. Bataillon (our company):
    I can only judge the infantry squad and I think they did an outstanding job.

    Performance Division (whole team):
    It never really seemed like we were in any sort of deep trouble. Great job across all regiments.

    Performance Officers:
    Clear and relevant orders + an open mind for spontaneous flag shifts - 10/10 would cooperate again.

    Suggestions - who gets a Medal and for what?
    The whole infantry squad showed exceptional skill against overwhelming odds at Manoir in the last round, and costed the enemy a tremendous amount of tickets. Close-Combat clasps seem in order.

    Extra Remarks?
    I had a great time playing with HQ and the international regiment.

  4. Eigene Leistung: Skillmäßig nicht gut, aber ich spiele auch kein Public mehr. Taktisch relativ zufrieden.

    Leistung Regiment: Sah gut aus.

    Leistung Division: Sah ebenfalls gut aus.

    Leistung des Offiziers: War in Ordnung.

    Vorschläge für Orden: Papa für Artysupport. Mein Squad hat sehr gute Arbeit geleistet und immer mitgedacht wenn es um den RP ging - Besonders für die Leistung bei Cheneux hätte jeder einen Orden verdient.

    Sonstige Anmerkungen: Im Battle ist nicht immer alles Schwarz oder Weiß, und zum Wohle des Spielflusses kann (und werde) ich nicht jeden Befehl bedingungslos folgen - Hier erwarte ich etwas mehr Vertrauen.

    • Thanks 2
  5. Eigene Leistung: Noch eingerostet.

    Leistung Regiment: Ab Runde 2 wurde es immer besser.

    Leistung Division: Das Zusammenspiel der einzelnen Regimenter ist verbesserungswürdig.

    Leistung des Offiziers: Gute Koordination von Elmo, ist nicht leicht mit 5 Whisper-Channels.

    Vorschläge für Orden: Der Mörser-Support war essentiell für die Eroberung von Hill, Comm. Bunker und Supply Depot.

    Sonstige Anmerkungen: Andere Regimenter sollten öfters mal auf die Minimap schauen und die Scheuklappen ablegen.

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