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Posts posted by RedBleeder

  1. Best: Lying prone at Crossing when a stolen half-track came barrelling round the corner and tried to run me over, just as I puckered up it hit a small bump in front of me and went up on two wheels, skated over me on it's side and came back down just behind. I was too shocked to fire my weapon and still don't quite believe it happened.

    Worst: Ongoing connection problems and stuttering during the night led to lots of facepalm moments. Emptying an entire mag at someone in the same damn room and not hitting a thing. I don't know who was more shocked, him or me. I took the ensuing summary execution as justice served.

    Worst: Getting knifed in the back. It just feels so... personal.

    Funniest: Can't remember the player's name, but both shooting and killing each other at the same time at Paper Mill.

    Funniest: Trying to shoot someone in the room as I leaped out the window at Bunker. Except I didn't kill them and then managed to get stuck in the window. Honestly, I might as well have come on a plate with an apple in my mouth.

    Most hated player: I want to say Ornstein, because he killed me a LOT, and I really started getting my knickers in a twist, but he's just the (vastly) better player so I'm not really mad.

    Most loved player: Shout out to all my squaddies in 175th, you guys are great fun to play with. Thanks!


  2. Battle #: 6

    Performance of Self: We finally saw lashings of action, and I surprised myself by taking some scalps. OK, I still died, a lot, but I took a few of the buggers with me this time. I have a lot to learn yet, and maybe I'll never be a killing machine, but it's nice to see some improvement. Otherwise, there was lots of support work in setting rallies, defending points, and so forth - I'm always happy to do whatever is needed, and to the best of my abilities.

    Divisonal Performance: I have no idea what was happening up top, but we seem to have kept some dynamism in switching focus, whatever we did it worked.

    Regimental Performance: Again, there was lots of movement, we seemed to be quicker to react to threats and to exploit opportunities. Good stuff!

    Officer's Performance: GeoPat turned in another quality performance, just a pleasure to fight with. Someone put some more pips on that chap!

    Medal Recommendations: We saw so much action this time around, I think we all had our heroic moments; but another honourable mention goes to Gunghoo, whose appetite for mayhem makes me very glad that he's on our side and not theirs.

    Additional notes: What a fantastic ding-dong! Those rounds were so close I thought I was going to pee myself. Apologies to my squaddies for screaming in absolute terror/delight, I hope your eardrums are OK.

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  3. Battle #: 5

    Performance of Self: Not too bad, I spent most of the evening guarding AT which didn't see a lot of action. We repelled what attacks there were and quickly recapped the point when it was lost.  There was good communication between us and we worked together to achieve whatever was needed at the time.

    Divisional Performance: I don't know what, if anything we did differently this week, in terms of strategy, mobilisation, or coordination, but we really kicked some arse this time. Let's keep doing that!

    Regimental Performance: Listening to comms and watching the turn of battle on the map sure made sentry duty more interesting, it sounded like everyone brought their A game and the results speak for themselves. Well played, everyone!

    Officer's Performance: GeoPat was as excellent as usual, clear and direct in command, and not afraid to mix it up when needed.

    Medal Recommendations: None that leap to mind.

    Additional notes: Another great night, I'm only sorry that I couldn't play until the very end.

  4. Battle #: 4  Operation Nordwind

    Perofrmance of self: Poor to average, at least in terms of adding to the enemy body count. To be fair, our squad did spend most of the night defending quiet flags that didn't see much action. I spent 90% of my time huddled in various bushes/foxholes/corners watching the flag or sweeping for enemy, 9% running from A to B, and 1% going 'Shitshitshit!' when the lead finally started to fly. I still can't hit the side of a barn, at least consistently, and might be more threatening if I carried a butter knife, but a lot of soldiering is doing the dull stuff that needs doing and I'm happy to support the team in any way I can.

    Divisional perrformance: As GeoPat put it, the enemy seemed much better at switching focus and concentrating their forces. 

    Regimental performance: Not so bad, given where we found ourselves. We did our job and gave our best.

    Officer's performance: GeoPat is a good leader and a pleasure to play with; always calm and confident, and always keeping us focused on the task at hand.

    Medal recommendations: We had a quiet night, there weren't that many opportunities for heroic moments. A mention for Gunghoo, though, he seems to have a nose for finding trouble and always charges at it with glee.

    Additional notes: Although I didn't see much action it was still a tense night and one that I really enjoyed, this is a great group to play with and I pay respect to everyone who gives their time to organise, run, and take part in this campaign. Thank you, guys, I can't wait for the next round!

  5. Best: Oh man, so much action, so many intense moments that make you feel like a total winner!

    Worst: Oh man, so much action, so many intense moments that make you feel like a total loser!

    Funniest: Sorry, my friends, for all the times I got a little too excited and everyone started looking suspiciously like Jerry

    Most hated player: None. Great crowd, great game, even when we were being given a bit of stick by the opposition

    Most loved/liked player: Gunghoo, and whatever he's drinking, for keeping our spirits high

    Other: Oh boy, that first round, what a nailbiter! More just like that, please, thank you!

    • Like 1
  6. Battle #: 2

    Performance of Self: Much better than my first, where I spent a lot of time wandering around like a lost lamb. I felt like I actually made a difference this time around and helped our team to victory. Still need to work on hitting that barn, though, and there's lots of room for playing smarter as I figure out how things work.

    Divisonal Performance: I was so focused upon our own squad that I didn't have much time for wondering what everyone else was up to.

    Regimental Performance:  As above, but I thought our squad performed very well. We had some intense battles, we communicated well, worked together, never gave up, and kept spirits high.

    Officer's Performance: Spindrifter was an excellent officer; relaxed and friendly, yet keeping everyone on task - a solid performance.  

    Medal Recommendations: I'd like to suggest Gunghoo, he somehow managed to be everywhere at the same time and was always in the forefront of the action. He also kept spirits high in the squad, rallying and encouraging us at difficult times, and that kind of positivity makes a big difference.

    Additional notes: That was a total blast, I can't wait for the next one!

    • Like 1
  7. Battle #: 1

    Performance of Self: My first foray back into FH2 for many years, so I spent a good while being bewildered and feeling that I wasn't contributing as much as I would like to. I can definitely improve upon communication, situational awareness, and hitting the side of a barn.

    Divisonal Performance: Sadly I couldn't stay until the end so I don't know how it panned out

    Regimental Performance: As above

    Officer's Performance: Spindrifter was a good C/O and kept us focused

    Medal Recommendations: 

    Additional notes: Everyone was very welcoming and forgiving of my n00b snafus; thank you all, I'm looking forward to the next battle, and giving a better account of myself

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