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    3rd The King's Own Hussars

  1. 3K[7AD]CaptHawk Captain

  2. 3K[7AD]Ltaquintus Lieutenant

  3. 3K[7AD]LtSandre Lieutenant

  4. 3K[7AD]Staff Sgsch@mpus Staff Sergeant

  5. 3K[7AD]CplPepinio Corporal

  6. 3K[7AD]CplKarlGeorg Corporal

  7. 3K[7AD]CplSadCamelion Corporal

  8. 3K[7AD]CplHaraldt Corporal

  9. 3K[7AD]CplHungrigerKeks Corporal

  10. 3K[7AD]CpleXHaLe Corporal

  11. 3K[7AD]Cplestate8143 Corporal

  12. 3K[7AD]CplNUKE Corporal

  13. 3K[7AD]CplHetzenhauer Corporal

  14. 3K[7AD]L/CplBlaze Lance Corporal

  15. 3K[7AD]L/CplColonelDeepthroat Lance Corporal

  16. 3K[7AD]L/CplOnDuty Lance Corporal

  17. 3K[7AD]L/CplSchwarzeNuss Lance Corporal

  18. 3K[7AD]L/CplStrauchdieb Lance Corporal

  19. 3K[7AD]L/CplVorbichler Lance Corporal

  20. 3K[7AD]PteLoctoc Private

  21. 3K[7AD]PteMarihutz Private

  22. 3K[7AD]PteManoloNo1 Private

  23. 3K[7AD]Ptepalomino Private

  24. 3K[7AD]Rct.Hren Recruit

  25. 3K[7AD]Rct.cheese Recruit

  26. 3K[7AD]Rct.koenigskiller02 Recruit

  27. 3K[7AD]Rct.Salva Recruit

  28. 3K[7AD]Rct.Herman Recruit

  29. 3K[7AD]Rct.SteveMayer Recruit

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